by Something Special

'Takes Two' is a complimentary online platform where you can connect and match with other singles. The name reflects the essence of our platform - it Takes Two members to mutually match and meet in person.
Click Join/ View to Enter!
Make sure you are logged in ...
If you have already purchased 'Takes Two' - Makes sure you click 'join' to join the platform.
Answer the 5 questions to gain access - If 'Takes Two' has not been purchased, you will be directed to purchasing the plan. Any questions, contact The Matchmaker, Jules, on Chat!
Discover Love with 'Takes Two'!
All profiles are ID and photo verified by The Matchmaker for added confidence. While you match with others on your own, you may also be considered a potential match for someone on the Introductions Plan if you complete the in-depth matchmaking form.
How to Join:
Join 'Takes Two' by signing up for the platform and receive a complimentary coupon code for a Dating Night (worth £21).
Attend a Dating Night and get complimentary access to join the platform.
What 'Takes Two' Offers and How to Become a Member:
become a Member
Become a Member of the ONLINE
'Takes Two' Platform!
The Joining Fee* is just a one-off payment of £21
and includes a Complimentary 'Little Something' Dating Night ticket* worth £21!!
Alternatively, Attend a Dating Night and get complimentary access to join the platform..
If you have a personal matchmaking membership plan, the 'Takes Two' Platform is complimentary.
Once a Member - complete the registration form for The Matchmaker which becomes your Online Profile Overview.
'My Profile'
Members can also add more information and photos about themselves on their 'My profile' page, allowing for a more comprehensive profile.
'Takes Two' Platform
When you join 'Takes Two', you gain access to the 'Takes Two' Dashboard and 'Takes Two' Platform.
The Dashboard is just for Members on the 'Takes Two' Platform and is accessible via members' log-in and has links to all areas of the 'Takes Two' Platform.
On the 'Takes Two' Platform, you can share posts, chat, and connect with other members. You can also view and match with verified member profiles.
To become verified and unlock full access to the platform:
Attend a 'Little Something' Dating Night for your age group.
at the event
At the event, the Matchmaker will:
Check 2 forms of ID (Passport/ Driving Licence/ Bill)
Ask you to sign the Something Special 'Code of Conduct'
Review the photos you wish to use on the platform (either in person or via email)
Once verified, you receive a membership number and can like and match with other 'Takes Two' Members on the platform.
If you are unable to attend a Dating Night, Members can join 'Takes Two' Plus+ and become verified via Zoom.
Verified members can express interest in connecting with another verified member by submitting a request to the Matchmaker through the Matching Form. Members will need their membership number, the first name and membership number of the person they wish to match with.
Mutual match
Upon submission, The Matchmaker will reach out to the other Takes Two member to enquire if there's mutual interest.
To find out what happens if you get a mutual match, click here.
Extra Perk
All of those on the 'Takes Two' Platform have the possibility of being matched with a Member on The Introductions or Lite Introductions Plans!
Submit the detailed Matchmaker's Form on the 'Takes Two' Dashboard to be in with a chance of being introduced.
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