As this is a Members' only club with an Annual Membership,
you do need to be a Friendship Club Member to purchase tickets and attend. For more information about our club, click here.
Join Us
The Friendship Club
Every year
The Friendship Club Membership
Valid until canceled
Attend Friendship Club Events
Purchase tickets to Events (usually £5)
Access to The Friendship Club Group
Loyalty Rewards
Friend of Jules
Non-Members can buy a 'Friend of Jules' Ticket to attend ONE event before deciding if they would like to become a Member. If they wish to attend again, they need to become a Member. Find out more about 'Friend of Jules' Tickets here.
If you are unable to pay the full Annual Membership in one go, contact Jules for options to pay manually.
Any questions, please ask.​
If you are single, don't forget to check out 'Takes Two' and our 'Little Something' Dating Nights & Events!