Next MacMillan Event
- Sat 30th September - MacMillan 'Cake Picnic'
MacMillan Coffee Morning
Friday 24th September 2021
EDIT - Now £507.10 which is amazing - £200 was my target!! Thank you everyone!! 🙂💕x
I did it!! Joined in with The World's Biggest Coffee Morning with Macmillan in memory of my gorgeous mum and for my lovely two new community groups The Pretty Woman Club and The GoodFellas Club .
Thank you to all those who have donated. Money still coming in but so far...£391.10 which is so lovely (my aim was £200) ...and breathe 🙂🤣💕xx
You still can donate...
Here's the link to donate
Thank you so much, Jules xx
#drinktalkeat The Pretty Woman Club The GoodFellas Club #mentalhealth
Thank you so much to all those from The Pretty Woman Club and The GoodFellas Club who joined me at The Harrow on Sat 8th Oct for our ‘Cake Picnic’ for Macmillan Cancer Support and their World's Biggest Coffee Morning (except we did it in the afternoon 😏🙂💕🍰 ). Not sure how many attended exactly but it was a really good turn out from 4pm-9.30pm.
MacMillan Coffee Morning
Saturday 8th October 2022

🌟🌟We raised an amazing £256.40 🌟🌟that I have paid in today - thank you SO much. ❤️
I will keep the giving page open until this Sat (15th) for anyone who wanted to but couldn’t come and would like to donate. Our page is
MacMillan is one of our three charities for the clubs. We also support Cancer Research UK and Mind - As today is #worldmentalhealthday2022 - I will hold a collection for MIND on tomorrow’s walk.
Thank you again to everyone that came along and brought their lovely cakes. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much also to The Harrow for letting us host it there.