Something Special host Charity Events periodically throughout the year for our Charities; MacMillan, Cancer Research and MIND. These events are open to everyone from our community groups; The Pretty Woman & GoodFellas Clubs - you do not need to be a Friendship Club Member to buy tickets to charity events. All proceeds for these events go to the chosen charity.
Next Event:-
The reason I have chosen MacMillan and Cancer Research UK for our Charities is because my mother was taken from breast cancer when she was only 46. Both Cancer Charities do so much for research and helping those with cancer - I felt both were important to support. We have held Coffee Mornings for MacMillan in September 2021 and October 2022 which were both so lovely and managed to raise a massive £507.10 in 2021 and £256.40 in 2022! I have added MIND as the third charity as The Pretty Woman & The GoodFellas Club walks were to help all of our general mental health after Covid-19.
If you would like to give a donation to our chosen charities; Cancer Research, MacMillan and MIND, that would be lovely and you can through their separate Just Giving Links on their pages.
Alternatively, you can donate immediately with the yellow PayPal button below - Paypal takes a fee with this button and not all of your donation goes to the charities.
Thank you so much for your donation, Love Jules 🙂💕 x
Love Jules 🙂💕 xx
#MacMillan #CancerResearchUK #MIND
#SomethingSpecialCharities #CharityEvents